sdWhy You Treat Me Like a Dog?: Saturday Night Movie III .comment-link {margin-left:.6em;}
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Saturday, February 25, 2006
Saturday Night Movie III
For this one I will tell you very little. Look at the picture below. The actor who plays the child as an adult is also the director of the film. The film is a classic, one of my all time favorites. What is going on in this scene? Where are they?

Good luck.

The universe is expanding...

Previous Saturday Night Flicks:

Saturday Night I
Saturday Night II
okay, Wanderer...I'm gonna take a shot in the dark it Annie Hall? That's Woody Allen as a kid...they are at the psychiatrist's office. (how's that for a guess?)
Crusin' Mom does it again! Was that really just a shot in the dark?

Thanks for stopping by Mirty!

Yes its the scene at the doctor's office where the young Alvy Singer is depressed because the universe is expanding, and "Well, the universe is everything, and if it's expanding, someday it will break apart and that would be the end of everything!"

To which his mother replies: "What is that your business? (to doctor) He stopped doing his homework."
Alvy: "What's the point?"
Mother: "What has the universe got to do with it? You're here in Brooklyn! Brooklyn is not expanding!"

yes,it was a shot in the, well, not total, dark. I watched most of Annie Hall again (since seeing it originally) about 6 months ago on t.v. Only saw bits and pieces. But somehow I pulled this part out of the dark recesses of my mind! Great movie. I love Diane Keaton, not to mention the great fashion trend she started with that movie.
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