sdWhy You Treat Me Like a Dog?: So I'm Trying to Understand What's Going On In Washington .comment-link {margin-left:.6em;}
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Wednesday, November 02, 2005
So I'm Trying to Understand What's Going On In Washington
Let's take it step by step:

1) Bush Administration sells the world on War in Iraq based on supposed weapons of mass destruction, Iraqi connection to Al Qaeda and 9/11.

2) No WMDs found in Iraq.

3) Joseph Wilson, charged with investigating the WMD issue, accuses the Bush Administration of twisting intelligence to justify the war.

4) Wilson's wife Valerie Plame is "outed" as a CIA operative to the press. (A criminal offense)

5) Vice President Cheney's Chief of Staff Scooter Libby is indicted by special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald for committing the offense of outing Plame, and then making matters worse by purjuring himself during the investigation. Libby subsequently resigns.

6) A cloud of suspicion still circulates around top White House Advisor Karl Rove.

So what's it all mean? Breaking it down on several levels, the obvious first issue is that the Vice President's Chief of Staff broke the law, and in the time-honored Washington tradition made it worse by lying about it. OK - so he should lose his job, be indicted and go to jail if found guilty.

But what's more disturbing is how it all relates to the Bush Administration's attempts at covering themselves for the lies they told getting us to war. Clearly they were unhappy with Wilson's report and felt the need to retaliate, but it seems almost infantile and playgroundish to out Wilson's wife as a CIA agent. What did they hope to achieve by doing that? Is Ms. Plame's life now in danger because she works for the CIA and now will be hurt by opposing spies? (Is my life in danger for wondering about it?!?!) Does she lose her job now and have to go on welfare? I don't get it. Is there more to the story?
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